The Explosive Update (v0.2.1.0)

Odd Remedy

Escape the open-world island infested with monster spiders while on duty as a prisoner with your friends. Loot the city, destroy the caves, take some selfies on the way out in your car before you set sail.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44999957/f025dfc38f130075f88952c8dc1e21012a60f168.png[/img] [GENERAL] [list] [*] Added explosions [*] Fixed synced objects flying around [*] Fixed spawned objects flickering on screen for one frame [*] Made cassette tape brought from prison go straight to car radio [*] Added stacking snowballs and throwing them one at a time [*] Fixed helicopter search light not being synced right [*] Fixed helicopter search light not moving [*] Fixed cave fog not visible on one side [*] Fixed some cassette tapes playing wrong tracks [*] Fixed tape not playing after inserting it before starting the engine and made it loop [*] Small bug fixes [/list] [NEW ITEMS] [list] [*] Added Dynamite [*] Added Landmine [*] Added Firework [/list] [GAMEPLAY] [list] [*] Added showing item capacity on the pickup hint [*] Made cocoon prop sound fleshy [*] Added loading screen hint about health recovery [*] Decreased baseball bat price [/list]