EVE Vanguard is an MMOFPS set in the deep, persistent, far-future universe of New Eden. As an elite mercenary directly influence the massive player-driven conflicts taking place in New Eden.
[b]Attention Vanguard,
The war is coming to EVE Vanguard from 28 November – 12 December, as warclone testing concludes and the Vanguard get ready for their first full-fledged operation: YC126.11.28 Groundbreak. As before, this deployment is open to all Omega clones, but will now offer greatly expanded access with new opportunities for Alphas as well as newcomers to the EVE Universe to jump into the fray. The time has come to choose your allegiance. Descend to planet surfaces and ascend to greatness, as you make your mark in New Eden. Your footsteps may be small, but your next shot will topple empires.
If you want to show your support for EVE Vanguard’s development make sure you wishlist on [url=https://eve.online/steam]Steam[/url] and join the conversation on [url=https://discord.gg/evevanguard]Discord[/url].[/b]