EVE Vanguard is an MMOFPS set in the deep, persistent, far-future universe of New Eden. As an elite mercenary directly influence the massive player-driven conflicts taking place in New Eden.
[b]To celebrate the biggest Vanguard update yet, we are working with Just About to run 3 bounties so you can win rewards! [/b]
Get your boots back on the ground for more rip-roaring action. To win a prize in this one, [url=https://justabout.com/eve-online/37799/effectively-or-creatively-use-a-nova-charge-or-grenade-reward]head over to Just About and submit a clip of you using a grenade or nova charge to great effect[/url] (comical or otherwise). Grenades are new for the playtest and act like mines. Mines have had a rework too. Try out these new tools of destruction and then come back to show us your favourite explosions.