EVE Vanguard is an MMOFPS set in the deep, persistent, far-future universe of New Eden. As an elite mercenary directly influence the massive player-driven conflicts taking place in New Eden.
[b]To celebrate the biggest Vanguard update yet, we are working with Just About to run 3 bounties so you can win rewards! [/b]
We've introduced the new 9v9 mode: Insurgency. We know that there are a few Dust514 players among you who are very excited to get your hands on it. This ranked reward is a test of pure FPS skill.[url=https://justabout.com/eve-online/37801/share-your-most-skilful-eve-vanguard-insurgency-kill-video-reward] Head over to Just About and submit a clip of your very best Insurgency-mode kill of the playtest[/url], and you could win up to $40.