The update 2.1.0 is live ! Check it out!

The Crown of Leaves

Roui, a resilient city dandy, a half-educated jeweler and the author of scientific magic articles, was met with a colossal failure and must return to his homeland Latori.

So, the HUGE update and completion of the second chapter of The Crown of Leaves is already on Steam!! We're sure you'll love it. Just check if you have the right version - it must be 2.1.0. If the version is wrong, just reinstall the game < 3 Download, launch, play. Good luck everyone! UPD We will update the Linux version just a bit later, since we have just a few beta-testers who can check up the bugs! It will be uploaded for you guys during this week. PS Also, the non English or Russian translation isn't official and made by our fans (also players) , so the updates of these languages fully depends on them. We will contact people to see what can be done about it.