The Sahara Desert map is now available!

Hi everyone, we just released our 4th major post-launch update with lots of improvements and a new DLC map: [b]Sahara Desert[/b]. Please remember how it works with your multiplayer games, they are now in a branch in Steam so don't worry, they are not lost! See the info at the bottom of the changelog for how to find them. [h3]Check out the full patch notes:[/h3] v1.4.0.8 [list][*] New DLC map: Sahara Desert. Everyone can play this in multiplayer, if someone who owns it creates the game. [*] Loading screen added to the game with tips to improve your play (in 9 languages). [*] AI empires now make better decisions about when to build cities. [*] Rebalanced costs of growing cities in different terrain (FAQ entry updated to match) [*] Great Lighthouse requires fewer hexes to complete. [*] Pyramids requires more city population to complete at most levels [*] Some other wonder levels slightly tweaked. [*] Improved DE translations from community member, Dunkelziffer. [*] Swords To Ploughshares now gives 120 food instead of 100 and may be offered slightly earlier in games. [*] Legendary General now requires you to threaten 8 hexes instead of 10. [*] Catastrophe now requires you to have 8 threatened hexes instead of 10. [*] Java (Indonesia) difficulty from Hard to Medium. [*] Maya (Mesoamerica) difficulty from Medium to Easy. [*] Zapotec (Mesoamerica) difficulty from Hard to Medium. [*] Zhou (World) difficulty from Medium to Easy. [*] Inca (World) difficulty from Medium to Hard. [*] Minor updates in the credits.[/list] [b]Multiplayer games from before the update will no longer appear in the lobby[/b] but can be played in a new compatibility branch in Steam (you need the old build to see these games). Sorry for the inconvenience, this is how we keep everyone in a game on the same build, to avoid desyncs. The branch is called [b]v1.3.x.x-multiplayer-compatibility[/b] To switch to this branch, R-click Ozymandias in your library, select Properties > Betas and choose the branch from the drop-down. You may need to reboot Steam to make it update but usually it does it straight away. Any questions, let us know! Click the banner below to join the merry band of 1000+ other Ozy players in our Discord :) [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41383612/497a697d05058374d3749f0a7e2a52f97ebd235c.gif[/img][/url]