How to access multiplayer games after our update

Hi folks, we’ve got a major update dropping early next week, along with our new DLC map. Each time we move from v1.1 to v1.2 and now v1.3, we have to keep everyone in a multiplayer game on the same version to avoid desyncs. [b]When you get our v1.3 update, you will no longer be able to see you v1.2 games in the lobby.[/b] You can see these games by switching back to v1.2, via the multiplayer compatibility branches, which we explain here: This should only affect people, who play 'asynchronous' multiplayer. Sorry for the inconvenience, especially for those, who didn't know last time, that this is how we do it. It's been our system for a long time but we didn't do a good enough job explaining it, outside of our Discord (do join! ). In order to make the transition smoother, you may prefer to switch now to our multiplayer compatibility branch for the current build, which exists already to facilitate this, it's called: v1.2.x.x-multiplayer-compatibility You can switch back to the default branch any time - see how in the forum post linked above. Steam will update the app right away so it's easy to switch between them. Any questions, let us know!