Hi everyone,
Our 3rd DLC map, The World, is on sale now and you should see it in your game already if you own the Season Pass.
Along with this latest map, we released a free update including multiplayer notifications! 🎉
Check out the full patch notes:
[list][*] Our latest DLC map, The World, is now available to everyone in multiplayer. You need to own the map to create a game with it but then anyone can join.
[*] Steam multiplayer notifications will now alert you, when your multiplayer game is waiting for you. They will also let you know if you won or lost, if the game ended, when you were offline. Translations are coming soon for these.
[*] Two new opportunity cards, Invasion & Vengeance, will reward you for losing spaces on the map. Never waste a good crisis ;)
[*] Changed a river into an inland sea (lake) near Mayans in Mesoamerica.
[*] Adjusted a few empire difficulty ratings to better reflect how challenging players find them to win with.
[*] Fixed a mislabelled terrain under Java capital city.
[*] Fixed a typo in an empire description in FR.
[*] Fixed a missing full stop in Oxus description in EN.[/list]
⚠️ Multiplayer games from before the update will no longer appear in the lobby but can be played in a new compatibility branch in Steam (you need the old build to see these games).
Sorry for the inconvenience, this is how we keep everyone in a game on the same build, to avoid desyncs.
The branch is called [b]v1.2.x.x-multiplayer-compatibility[/b]
Have fun!