The Play Your Way Update

Howdy folks! We’ve been working hard, and are proud to release our [b]Play Your Way[/b] update! As we mentioned previously in our road map, this update is focused on game play modifiers, allowing you to play Drake Hollow the way you want. Are you looking for a challenging and unforgiving experience? Choose the Iron Man preset and good luck. Just want to build with minimal pressure? The Creative preset is what you’re looking for. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37837234/44a99c23ae328f2b69bb8df6c25c9f849c81515e.png[/img] Every preset contains a bunch of modifiers that effect gameplay: respawning, resource needs, item drop frequency, and more. You can choose a preset to quickly set everything to an experience that you want, and you can also edit each setting to your preference. Want all the challenge of the hardest settings, but no raids? No problem! Tweak settings as much as you want, either before you start or on the fly. We do want feedback based on your experiences. Swing by our [url=]Discord[/url], message us on [url=]Twitter[/url], email us at, or post in discussions. The modifiers can be combined in a lot of ways - 186,624 to be exact! - and as surprising as it may sound, we’ve not been able to test every combination. So if things feel busted, let us know. In addition to the modifiers, we’ve added a bunch of new holiday themed cosmetics that you can find as you explore. They’re part of the same random drops as everything else, but we’re also getting everyone started with a new hat. Enjoy your fancy holiday looks! We’ve also made a bunch of updates to Magpie’s Shop based on player requests and feedback. You can now [b]sell stacks of items[/b], we increased some resources there (more seeds, most notably), added [b]additional ammo types[/b], and now show player weapons unstacked, with tier and condition, so you’ll never sell your best item accidentally again. In addition to all that, here are a number of other fixes included: [list] [*]Supply trucks no longer show negative counts of supplies [*]"Camp XP" and "Player health increased" notifications no longer appear after reaching max camp level [*]Made improvements to address a variety of reports of achievements not being received [*]Fixed issue where ranged weapons could be found with zero ammo [*]Fixed issue where icons would incorrectly appear or disappear from compass [*]Fixed issue where camp XP bar wasn't updating correctly in Tech Tree screen [*]Fixed issue where weapons on ground would become "crud" quality on reload of game [*]Fixed issue where multiples of quests could be given if more than one player interacts with a quest giver simultaneously [*]Fixed issue where improvement info could get stuck on screen if host and client inspected the improvement simultaneously [*]Fixed crash that could occur if player quit game before "convert to multiplayer" had completed [*]Decreased Fang mine damage [*]Added total power and utility water input and output to camp status screen [*]Added Info tab to journal where players can see current stats and active modifiers [/list] We hope you enjoy this update! As for what’s next, we’re continuing along the road map. We’ve been working on all sorts of combat improvements along side this update, but they’re not ready to share yet. It’s a big job with lots of moving parts, and still has a long to do list. We do plan on testing combat improvements in our experimental branches before launching, so stay tuned with more info on that. We’re also getting started on the meta progression, and hope to have a variety of combat and progression updates in the new year. In the mean time, have fun, and of course let us know if you hit any issues.