Experience and Skills update: in testing

Howdy folks, Today we’re releasing a testing preview for our next content update, which introduces an experience and leveling system and skills that you can upgrade. Experience is earned from all sorts of activities, and carries across worlds, so you can level up whether you’re playing by yourself or in your friend’s world. We’ve also added a new enemy type, the Dire Eekins, a fearsome laser shooting apparition who’s out to ruin your day. If you want to check it out, you can simply right click on the game, get properties, and select the tmf_release_test from the Betas section: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37837234/fe21711c8498b886ec0abb1b052d47e14e51dc14.png[/img] We’ve also added the often asked for “repair all” function when you’re interacting with improvements, which will queue up as many repairs as you have the resources for. No more running to every wall after a raid and manually calling for each repair. If you hit any snags or bugs, please reply to this post, email support@themolassesflood.com, or hop on our [url=https://discord.gg/Yk3tWAW]Discord[/url] and let us know about it.