The Experience and Skills Update

Howdy all! Today we’re proud to launch our latest update, which adds two new features: an experience and skills system, and a new enemy! The experience and skills system is a new feature that allows you to improve various skills as you level up your character. It’s pretty familiar stuff, of course, but we intended it to address a common piece of feedback we’ve received. Folks have been pretty clear that they don’t like how there’s little in the way of progress while playing in someone else’s game, so we set out to address that. Experience is tied to your global save game, rather than any specific instance you’re currently playing, so anything you do whether it’s in campaign, sandbox, solo, or while visiting a friend, will contribute to your overall level and the total number of skill points you can assign. We’ve also added a new enemy… Dire Eekins! Some of you may have met a docile relative of the Dire Eekins, but this one isn’t so friendly. Armed with a powerful laser and always on the move, you’ll need to be nimble while battling this new foe. We’ve also added a couple other fixes and changes based on bugs and feedback from the community: • Added the ability to repair all damaged improvements with one command • Fixed an issue with the Rebound achievement not being awarded • Fixed an issue where player blocking capacity was greatly decreased upon reloading a game • Fixed several issues with bed assignments that prevented Drakes from sleeping in available beds • Nerfed the Hasten buff (since it’s also a skill and could break at high levels)