The Past, The Present, and The Future of HDTF

Hunt Down The Freeman

Just another mission, or so you thought… until aliens from another dimension start invading Earth before a scientist with a crowbar hospitalizes you after wiping out your entire squad. Just when you thought you were finished, a man with a briefcase offers you the chance for another beginning.

Hello everyone, We want to talk about HDTF, what happened and what will happen. Two and a half years ago, Berkan had the idea to make a short film about HDTF, and after that idea, he chose to make it into a hl2 mod. After that, He started to make a small project which started to get attention. He pondered if he should make something bigger. The Indigogo campaign was started and raised nothing, but he didn't want to give up on it. He had to make his idea a reality. He went and found an investor, a company, and a team. That is when the actual project started. After a development of almost 2 years of an ambitious project, when we came close to the end, we started to get huge pressure and receive harassment from the community. We also had lies circulate from the old team, as well as various other sources about our game. This pushed us to release the game as soon as possible to prove our innocence. On the day of the release, it was a big shock for all of us when we saw the game on streams and realizing it wasn't the game that we had on our end. We may have failed on file organization, as we are still trying to figure out the best way to put everything together, and push a massive update. After the game is released, people started to harass us even more and generate more lies about us. No one has even contacted us to hear about our side of the story in a long time. To be honest, we don't actually think that people care about anything but the drama since none of the responses that we've given has been shared with the community. Now, what will happen is we will continue working on this project. We will release the actual version of the game we were supposed to release, and even after that, we will continue working on it with feedback from the community. At the end of the day, we are all Half-Life fans, and we all want to make a decent game. After we fix everything, we ask that you give us another chance. We cannot express how sorry we are, we will do our best to fix it and we will appreciate and take any help we can get from the community. We will not stop until HDTF is the game that is supposed to be and just like we did not give up at the beginning, we will not give up at the end. RRE Team.