Happy National Video Games Day Update!

Hunt Down The Freeman

Just another mission, or so you thought… until aliens from another dimension start invading Earth before a scientist with a crowbar hospitalizes you after wiping out your entire squad. Just when you thought you were finished, a man with a briefcase offers you the chance for another beginning.

Hello all you avid Hunt Down the Freeman fans! We have some pretty exciting news for you all that you might like to hear. After the downpour of support that we had following the release of the sudden April 1st update, our little team expanded from about five people to over twenty. What does this mean? It means that we’ve been able to add a bunch of improvements to the code, game levels, overall performance, models, particles, rendering systems and whatever else I’m forgetting at the moment. We are releasing an update that’s going to fix some of the stuff we didn’t catch in the April 1st update, as well as add in a bunch of new map fixes, some performance boosts for Alaska maps, a few reworked maps like Ravenholm, fixes to the parkour system and just general issues like cubemaps cutting themselves off in some maps. Game tech was included but isn’t being used yet, for example PBR, Depth of Field, and FMOD Studio. We added both PBR and FMOD and have them working in game, but we only have one or two people that can make PBR textures and it’s a slow going process. Depth of field is giving us more of a headache then we thought it would, so we decided not to include it in this update. The game has switched to the multiplayer version of Source SDK 2013, which enables us to compress the game levels to take up less space, and we’ve also updated the project to Visual Studio 2022, which has the benefit of better performance in game due to a more recent compiler. We have plans to further expand on Black Mesa, expanding it from one level to about five or so, as well as redoing much of Act 3 so there’s more content to be had. It’s going to be awhile before any of this happens because we are working on redoing parts of Act 1 and another map in Act 3, but we only have a handful of level designers that can create a level from start to finish. I want to thank all the people that joined our discord to offer help, and I want to thank especially the busy people who have joined our dev team. There’s been a lot of time and effort expended into working on the source engine and getting it up to modern standards. If you want to support us and allow us to buy things for the project and/or support my Funko POP addiction, you can give money to our [url=https://www.patreon.com/HDTF]Patreon[/url]. [url=https://discord.com/invite/hdtf]Join our discord[/url] to see what we are working on. If you want to opt-in to our development build, select the weekly release in the Beta properties, just be warned that things will break from time to time.