The new 55 re-world with a map of the Earth is launched

Ways of History

Hardcore real-time strategy with a long-term round. Development of your civilization from caves to space. Huge world. Thousands of players. 240+ sciences and technologies. About 100 troops. 4 races. 50+ resource deposits. War, trade, science, construction...

Ru-World with a map of the Earth. Settlement of North America, Europe and Asia at once - The country that successfully launches a CC will win; - Increased size countries; - Doubled speed of the world: World Parameters: - Production speed - 2x; - Build content - 2x; - Speed of construction - 2x; - Speed of armies - 2x; - Cost of armies - 2x; - Content of troops - 4x; - Effectiveness of Thugs - 2x; - Effectiveness of Destroyers - 2x; - Damage from traps before combat - 2x; - Loadout of armies - 2x; - Population Growth - 2x; - Population Consumption Rate - 2x; Population Consumption Rate - 2x; - Merchant speed - 2x; - Chance of getting a Great Citizen - 2x; - Travel time of workers and settlers when sent on missions - 0.5x; - Number of troops given for completing quests - 0.5x; - Number of troops from barbarians that appear after completing quests - 0.5x; - The protection period of the newcomer - 0.5x; Version 1.4