Hello, dear readers!
Today we want to talk to you about how our first game has had a significant impact on the design of [b]Delete After Reading[/b]. One of the lessons learned from our previous project, [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1388860/Unmemory/]Unmemory[/url], is that it was a dense game. Not only because of the difficulty of the puzzles, but because of the approach of the story itself. The plot was unstructured and complex in a deliberate way in order to make the reader feel lost and play with his memory. And although the comments and analysis of both the press and the players about Unmemory have been very positive, we began to wonder if the format of a book to be played, a game to be read could reach a wider audience.
This is how Delete After Reading was born, it is a [b]friendlier, more accessible project[/b], about the power to change our luck. A fantasy story inspired as always by various and different references: movies like The Goonies or Ghostbusters, comics like Little Vampir or video games like The Curse of Monkey Island. And considering the lessons learned with Unmemory, we decided to reduce the number of chapters, create a more linear story, and we aimed at crafting simpler puzzles but trying to make them funnier.
Those who know us already know how much we love books and their power to stoke our imagination. With Delete After Reading we keep pursuing to improve the reading experience, [b]making it as immersive as possible through basic tools[/b] like text, sound, images, game mechanics and some interaction.
The good news is that you will be able soon to take a first look at Delete After Reading and judge for yourself if we have succeeded in our attempt to create a more accessible experience. Remember that [b]the game will be featured on the Steam Next Fest[/b] that will take place from June 13 to June 20. It’s less than two weeks away so we believe it’s time to wrap things up to continue polishing our demo.
See you next week!