Martin Skrilhex is probably the most hated millionaire in the world. This young and despicable villain made his fortune by buying the famous BOOMERR chewing gum brand and [b]introducing an addictive substance to children and teenagers[/b]. And although he was caught and arrested by the police, his army of lawyers managed to keep him out of jail.
Now Skrilhex[b] lives with his pink poodle in a giant mansion[/b], protected by security cameras, alarms, two bodyguards (Ortega and Gasset) and a squad of dangerous dogs ready to bite you without asking.
He usually dresses like a store clerk, easily recognizable by his polo shirt and pegged pants. Despite his good looks, his cunning nature should not be overestimated. With a chubby figure, Skrilhex has had several tics since he was a child, [b]such as the (somewhat forced) villain's laugh[/b] he lets out at any time, even while sleeping.
An inveterate retro video game player, Skrilhex has rigged an auction to get his hands on [b]the only existing Gold Master copy of the third and final installment of the video game Curse of Penguin Island[/b]. His diabolical plan is that no one in the world can play to the most anticipated game of the decade except him. And for his greatest joy, he plans to broadcast a couple of games live to make everyone even more envious.