Hey everyone,
A new hotfix for The Last of Us Part I is now live. This update primarily focusses on stability and performance improvements and other smaller improvements.
The team is closely watching player reports and actively working on a patch with more bugfixes, to be released soon.
[b]Patch Notes[/b]
[*] Fixed several performance & hitch related issues impacting some users.
[*] [b]Note:[/b] Additional improvements and investigations based on user feedback are underway.
[*] Added extra crash diagnostic information to assist in investigating shader building related crashes and other common reported stability issues.
[quote]For other issues we are currently tracking or investigating, please refer to our [url=https://feedback.naughtydog.com/hc/en-us/articles/14377887346452]Known Issues[/url]. If you encounter any of these problems, please [url=https://feedback.naughtydog.com/hc/en-us/articles/14202231158548-I-need-help-submitting-a-ticket]contact support[/url] to help us gather more data and insights.[/quote]