The issue regarding the DMCA claim has been resolved.

The Game of Sisyphus

Roll the boulder to the top.

(For context regarding the DMCA action, please refer to our previous post.) After the DMCA claim was filed, we reached out to inquire which part of The Game of Sisyphus allegedly used the music without permission. The DMCA responded to our request and forwarded our inquiry to the claimant. As a result, the DMCA action has been temporarily suspended while waiting for a response from the claimant. However, since our game does not include any unauthorized use of music, and we suspect the claim was not made by the original copyright holder, it is unlikely that the claimant will respond. We anticipate that the suspension will remain in effect indefinitely. We would like to express our gratitude to all the players who have shown concern for our situation. We do not use any music, art, or code without proper authorization, and we will continue to maintain a strong commitment to copyright compliance while developing quality games in the future. The Game of Sisyphus will continue to be sold as normal.