Difficulty Increase Notice

The Game of Sisyphus

Roll the boulder to the top.

Difficulty Increase Notice Due to a previous patch that lowered the difficulty, some segments became too easy. Instead of altering the core mechanics, we've decided to raise the obstacle difficulty. While there haven't been significant changes, the overall difficulty remains easier compared to before April 12th. [list] [*] Increased difficulty in intermittent cliff segments [*] Raised difficulty in reconfigured segments [*] Removal of some obstacles in ice segments [*] Fix for sliding bug on ice bridges [*] Fine-tuning of Oak Tree segment [*] Introduction of new obstacles in bamboo segments [*] Minor adjustments in other segments [/list] Difficulty increase in the mid-to-late game Although we've increased the difficulty in some segments, it's not our intention to make every segment challenging. Our goal is to create a game that most people can clear with time investment. Some segments are designed to be easy when rolling down or ascending quickly. The game is not challenging yet. We need your opinion on this. However, there are concerns about the mid-game difficulty being too easy. We will actively consider and incorporate user feedback. Please leave your comments below. Thank you.