
The Game of Sisyphus

Roll the boulder to the top.

This is a guide for those who are struggling in the early stages of the game. [olist] [*] Approach the ball closely and then move slowly. If the ball tends to fall in an unwanted direction, press and hold the left or right mouse buttons to roll the ball sideways. Additionally, pressing the left or right movement keys to support the center of the ball is the key point. [*] It's dangerous to let go of the ball. Jumping while rolling the ball is not a good choice. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44948270/2d91fe99ad9092c1b80ac9e86491754bb64cb861.gif[/img] [*] Slowly rolling the ball to one side allows you to move laterally. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44948270/603164587e1ab47aec196adeccfa6d24f5e3c877.gif[/img] [*] In sharp curves, try moving slowly without pressing the shift key. [*] The game autosaves. If you're too tired, pause and then exit the game. [*] If it's still too hard, try using the Beachball. It's a bit lighter and easier to control. [/olist]