Alone with the dead... Embalm corpses, banish demons, save your soul.
[u][i][h2]Patch Notes[/h2][/i][/u]
[h3]Major Additions:[/h3]
[*] Decorations have been added to [i]River Fields Mortuary[/i] to celebrate the [b][i]most joyous time[/i][/b] of the year!
[*] [b]A Special New Body[/b] has found their way to the Mortuary line-up!
[*] Added new system to run holiday-specific events
[*] Added holiday haunts
[*] Added Holiday update ([b][i]takes place between Dec. 1st to Dec. 31[/i][/b])
[*] Removed the High DPI check box and gave the look sensitivity slider a [i]much wider[/i] range
[h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3]
[*] Fixed an issue were look sensitivity would reset when loading a game
And as always, please post any issues you come across or feedback you may have in the [url=]The Mortuary Assistant Bugs and Feedback Thread[/url] or on the relevant channels on the [url=]DREADXP Discord[/url].