Version 1.0.68 Update

The Mortuary Assistant

Alone with the dead... Embalm corpses, banish demons, save your soul.

[hr][/hr] [u][i][h2]Patch Notes[/h2][/i][/u] [h3]Miscellaneous:[/h3] [list] [*] Added a numeric value for look sensitivity to better tell what it's set to [*] Changed the look sensitivity slider to be more granular [*] Optimization work in the main game ([i]more to come in the tutorial[/i]) [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Santa was being very naughty and destroying performance. This has been fixed. [*] Fixed an issue where inverted X and Y axis options were not working [/list] [hr][/hr] And as always, please post any issues you come across or feedback you may have in the [url=]The Mortuary Assistant Bugs and Feedback Thread[/url] or on the relevant channels on the [url=]DREADXP Discord[/url].