The Guise - Progress Update #6

The Guise

The Guise is a dark metroidvania fairy tale about a boy trapped in the body of a monster. Can he hold onto his humanity? It's up to you.

[h3]Hello there![/h3] In this weekly progress update we'd like to share with you the latest news of the game development. Thanks to your feedback, reviews, and suggestions, we have successfully updated the game build and fixed some bugs: [list] [*] Invulnerability time after taking damage increased to 2 seconds; [*] Fixed an issue with the activation of the first boss (Damia); [*] Fixed textures failures; [*] Fixed the problem with using the healing ability; [*] Solved the issue with the Deloris; [*] Fixed an issue with freeze when getting the swimming ability. [/list] It's been two weeks since the game release, and we’d love to share with you the statistics from the Top-5 achievements of the Guise players! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35859809/e80b4b65b3d437574bdb9590eee07a2dd89f39ad.png[/img] Thank you for staying, see you in the next update! Yours, The Guise Dev. Team