The Guise - Progress Update #3

The Guise

The Guise is a dark metroidvania fairy tale about a boy trapped in the body of a monster. Can he hold onto his humanity? It's up to you.

[h3]Hello there![/h3] In this weekly progress update, we'd like to share with you the latest news of the game development. First of all, we are happy to announce the release date of The Guise, and it is October 20! For this event, we have prepared for you the final Gameplay Trailer of the game: [previewyoutube=9-1-IcyuqTo;full][/previewyoutube] A free updated demo version is now available on Steam, providing you with ~30 amazing levels of the game – about 30 minutes of pure joy. What's new in the updated demo version: [list] [*] Numerous gameplay improvements and bugfixes; [*] New mechanics - familiars, your loyal companions, and helpers; [*] New amulets; [*] New side quests; [*] A working shop for upgrades and leveling up your abilities; [*] Balance edits; [*] Professional English translation; [*] Added the Russian language; [*] Added all missing sounds and music. [/list] Currently, only Russian and English languages are available in the demo. Other languages are under development and will be available in the full version of the game. Thank you for staying, see you in the next update! Yours, The Guise Dev. Team