The Guise - Progress Update #4

The Guise

The Guise is a dark metroidvania fairy tale about a boy trapped in the body of a monster. Can he hold onto his humanity? It's up to you.

[h3]Hello there![/h3] In this weekly progress update we'd like to share with you the latest news of the game development. Fully updated 6-8 optional side quests: [list] [*] New mini-bosses for side quests (~4 mini-bosses); [*] New cut scenes and dialogs for side quests; [*] Worked out the reward for completing side quests (amulets, in-game currency). [/list] Finished working on mobs for all empty areas: [list] [*] For the Upper Gooseville area - 5 new mobs and 2-3 new types of traps; [*] For the Catacombs area - 5 new mobs; [*] For the Sunken area - 7 new mobs. [/list] Thank you for staying, see you in the next update! Yours, The Guise Dev. Team