The Darkside Detective - Bug Fix Update v2.66.1626.10816

The Darkside Detective

Grab your trench coat, tune your sixth sense and join the Darkside Division as they investigate the outright bizarre, the downright dangerous and the confusing cases of Twin Lakes. Flesh-hungry tentacles, mafian zombies, and the occasional missing sock are no match for The Darkside Detective.

[h2]The Darkside Detective - Bug Fix Update v2.66.1626.10816 [/h2] [list] [*] The Case Files will flickering any time you enter the Main Menu [*] PlayStation Controllers Set up having some of the wrong button images on PC Platforms [*] Press to Start Screen not detecting PlayStation Controllers until after input on PC Platforms [*] Click to Start Menu Issue using controllers [*] The D-Pad occasionally not working in the Main Menus [*] Case 7: Santa's Coat having no Hotspot Text in most languages [*] Case 9: A Save/Load or Leaving/Re-Entering the Screen causing the Vent Hotspot to layer over the Rat Hotspot [*] PS5 Controller not working on most PC Platforms [*] Case 4: The Gremlin appearing for a brief second on entering the Evidence Room after already being collected [*] PS4 Controller Image showing when using a PS5 Controller on PC Platforms [*] Police Car and Loading Screen Text missing on Loading Screens [*] The Screen getting really dark when opening the Quit Game Menu from the Main Menu [/list]