Release notes - The Darkside Detective - 2.66.835.9107

The Darkside Detective

Grab your trench coat, tune your sixth sense and join the Darkside Division as they investigate the outright bizarre, the downright dangerous and the confusing cases of Twin Lakes. Flesh-hungry tentacles, mafian zombies, and the occasional missing sock are no match for The Darkside Detective.

[h2]Bugfixes [/h2] [list] [*] Issue with Dialogue not being in the correct state after Resetting the game, causing softlocks [*] Language: How to Play, controller screen layout is inconsistencies between languages [*] In Windowed Mode the Cursor doesn't Scale and Items don't Scale with everything else except when dragging them [*] Game won't save after completing the second case [*] Case 4: Possible to un-light the Nodes in a way you are not meant to [*] Case 7: Visual issue with Armelia's Portrait [*] Migration Issue with Save Files [*] Restarting a Case while Dialogue is on Screen will make Dialogue Choices unable to be interacted with [*] Item Hotspots can overlap inventory causing the wrong item to be picked up on smaller screens [*] Case 6: Leaving and re-entering a Screen makes the Tapestry Hotspot layer over the shopkeeper's Hotspot [/list]