The Craftsman Update is here


Resolutiion is a zelda-like action-adventure, where an old killer and his AI explore a vast, mysterious world, full of mighty weapons, surreal abilities and gruesome bossfights.

“I craft the finest emotions. Pain, anger, and the occasional sorrow. Welcome to The Workshop!” Hidden in the Divided Sea is an abomination. Something so repulsive, you can’t keep away. In Resolutiion’s second content update, say hello to Rolav, the violence aficionado. This dark entity crafts custom weapon modifications for the sophisticated executioner, such as yourself. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35669489/47799b00bdbe0052a81ecbbd70a15d021a2775f9.png[/img] Turn your shotgun into a powerful grenade launcher, or impale a line of enemies with the Delimiter’s energy spike! New weapon variations change Resolutiion’s combat dramatically and open up fresh and creative paths to unleashing destruction. Make no mistake, though, Rolav’s services come at a price. And that price is facing your darkest shadow. [list] [*]The Workshop, a new area in the Divided Sea [*]The Craftsman, a new optional mini-boss-fight [*]Weapon variations for the Calmer (Sampler), Resolver (Delimiter), and Haven (Alliance) [*]The legendary Elevator Party [*]More guidance for the lost [*]Various bug fixes and polish [/list]