The continuation of the "Evil Manager" series release in less than 24 hours!

Evil Bank Manager

What could be better than having a million dollars, a billion? This will not make you all powerful in the world, your goal will not only be to make lots of money, but to print money and become a Federal reserve system

We've been waiting for this day... and in less than 24 hours there will be a release of the sequel to "Evil Manager". In the first game, you played as banker - Evil Bank Manager. In the second game, you can become election campaign manager. Germany in 1932 was definitely in political crisis. There were several elections in a row during the year. At this point in history, only a few extra percent who voted for the Nazis changed history. Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. You'll have to change that by taking over one of the parties. You must win the election and keep the Nazis from coming to power. The game also includes the scenarios of Great Britain (not letting Chamberlain come to power) and France.