Last 9 Updates! (+New tasks!)

Evil Bank Manager

What could be better than having a million dollars, a billion? This will not make you all powerful in the world, your goal will not only be to make lots of money, but to print money and become a Federal reserve system

I think you notice the frequent edits we make. This is because we want to respond to everything as quickly as possible. Today I wanted to tell about the update that we introduced yesterday and the edits of the last week: 1. Added: "Task" update. Now the player after the tutorial will receive tasks in order to get acquainted with the basic functionality. For each of them you will receive a reward. This will greatly simplify the game for beginners and help you see what opportunities there are in the game. 2. Added: Convenient sorting system in diplomatic skills. Also added filter competitor banks, to reduce the cost of the bank 3. Added: Now the tasks of mercenaries (Guard) will be regenerated every 10 turns. 4. Changed: Previously, when you clicked "Esс" in Revolutions, the window was immediately closed. It was necessary to open all sub-items manually. Now when you click "Esс" will return to the previous menu. 5. Fixed: Solved the problem with the expansion for ultra-large screens. Now there will be no situation in which a button is not pressed or the functionality does not work correctly. Also solved the problem of displaying the game on an incomplete screen. Now the game, even at 0.5% of the rarest of large screens will be shown in full screen. 6. Fixed: Bug with the lack of names of competitor banks in the battle. Now you will see each of them ;) 7. Fixed: Rare bug with negative property cost 8. Fixed: Scrolling in some windows (as you asked) 9. Fixed: Many localization edits. Thank you for your support! We keep going in developing "Science") [img][/img]