Thank you & upcoming update

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!

VR rhythm game on steroids. Beat challenging songs with your bare fists in Fit Boxing, wield variety of weapons (blades, tonfas, phasers, staff, saw) in Free Style or dominate the playfield in Real 360 mode. Global and friends leaderboards, calories burnt statistics. Custom songs and videos support.

First of all huge thanks to all players who have tried our game so far, the reception is overwhelming and motivates us to further improve the game for you. Speaking of improvements, we are already working on an update scheduled for friday 7/12: [list] [*]At least [b]2 new songs[/b] in form of videoclips including fresh single [i]Triumphant[/i] by [i]Axl & Arth[/i]! :-) [*]Ranking system for players. The more you play the higher rank you achieve. [*]Manual setting for floor/height adjustment in case in-game recentering doesn't cut it for you. [*]Adjusting import of custom songs in ModSaber format – as our balls are bigger than in other games ;-), the near ones can intersect. We will probably rotate them to face each other or reposition them slightly. [/list]