Real 360 and themes update!

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!

VR rhythm game on steroids. Beat challenging songs with your bare fists in Fit Boxing, wield variety of weapons (blades, tonfas, phasers, staff, saw) in Free Style or dominate the playfield in Real 360 mode. Global and friends leaderboards, calories burnt statistics. Custom songs and videos support.

[h3]"Real 360" mode[/h3] New game mode and environment "Real 360" transports you to center of a high-tech rotating space station. Beats will be coming at you from all directions (including above and below!) but the challenge doesn't stop there. You will be also bombarded by red drones and need to activate your shields (using trigger button) to block them. :-O [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35243056/16c44cef171bba80f7aad3c3595c66dc37fd3eea.jpg[/img] [h3]Flying dragon theme[/h3] Brand new theme with moving mountains, fog and lightning. Oh and you are standing on a flying dragon. :) [h3]Theme enhancements[/h3] Existing themes have been optimized and improved for better visual experience. [h3]New settings[/h3] [list] [*]Haptic – you can now adjust haptic (vibration) feedback of your controllers (both amplitude and duration) to achieve desired feel [*]New custom balls art – dealing with coronavirus situation and need something to cheer you up? You can select new virus or biohazard symbols and symbolically destroy these threats the old fashioned way! [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35243056/a2bd8da9129781bbeef56bc4a23f449fd8395c35.jpg[/img]