Modding update

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!

VR rhythm game on steroids. Beat challenging songs with your bare fists in Fit Boxing, wield variety of weapons (blades, tonfas, phasers, staff, saw) in Free Style or dominate the playfield in Real 360 mode. Global and friends leaderboards, calories burnt statistics. Custom songs and videos support.

[h1]Seated/roomscale mode[/h1] [list] [*]New setting for [b]seated/roomscale[/b] experience. We are experimenting with autocentering vs respecting roomscale boundaries in SteamVR. When you start the game in "seated" mode the game recenters to your current headset position (and you can also recenter anytime in the game by holding B button or touchpad right for 3 seconds). When in "roomscale" mode, there is no recentering and your position is absolute within your guardian system. [b]Please give it a try and let us know which setting works best for you so we could make it the default[/b] :) [/list] [h1]Audio modding[/h1] [list] [*]You can replace sounds of individual weapons and of ingame announcements "miss" and "fail". Go to Settings/Modding, set audio modding ON and exit the game. Then replace WAV audiofiles in [b]..\\Song Beater_Data\\Modding\\Audio[/b] directory with your own and start the game again. [/list] [h1]Colors modding[/h1] [list] [*]You can now view/specify colors for beat balls and hands/weapons using precise RGB values along with color wheel. [/list] [h1]Fixes and optimizations[/h1] [list] [*]Various fixes and optimizations. Improved levels for intense and impossibru difficulty for song Close by Mikalyn (ranked vol. 2). [/list]