Thank you from the Dev Team!


Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter game, engaging in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and executing low-gravity operations on orbiting space installations against other enemy astroperators and other entities.

We just wanted to give a solid shoutout to everyone who has made Boundary a great success! Things may have gotten off to a slightly rocky start, but thanks to the efforts of the community and the developers, we've gotten some of the most critical bugs resolved and are working on improving the experience for everyone. There are some critical areas the team are looking at with the primary ones being server stability, performance, and balancing. We know this is vitally important to players and want to ensure everyone is experiencing Boundary in the best possible manner. Spawning will be another area we tackle as a priority as we've heard loud and clear that there is still a lot of work to be done to create a better experience. Along with this, comes weapon balancing, which will be a constant work in progress throughout Early Access. That's not all we're doing, of course, there is a lot of things we are working and we'll have a more in-depth post about all that's coming, along with our roadmap so players can see what exciting things are coming to Boundary. Thank you all for the support, have a great weekend, and happy gaming! ~Team Surgical Scalpels & Team Skystone.