Thank you for supporting our fundraiser!

Rhythm Doctor

Save patients with your rhythm mastery! Rhythm Doctor is a rhythm game where you heal patients by defibrillating in time to their heartbeats. Learn each patient's unique heartbeat and defeat boss viruses trying to sabotage your rhythm, all set to heart-pumping, soul-soothing music.

[h2]Fundraiser Results[/h2] At the end of May, we announced that we were holding a short fundraiser for National Cancer Society Malaysia [url=]in memory of Jyi Sim, one of our voice actors.[/url] Shortly after posting that announcement, we were honored to see how many people reached out with their condolences and with their support. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31513904/be8807a753be9979a598f364814dd25d9864103a.png[/img] Thanks to you, we sold a whopping [b]1362 copies[/b] of Rhythm Doctor during the fundraiser. After that, we had a wait few months to receive the final payment (which has to subtract out taxes, Valve's platform cut, and other fees.) Now that we've received the money, we'll be donating RM37,800, around 8200 USD, the total of what we raised during the fundraiser period. Thank you all so, so much. We're a small team with a small game, so seeing you all show your support on Twitter, Steam, and Discord for our fundraiser really meant a lot. Folks had really nice things to say not just about the game but about Jyi's contribution specifically. We're glad that Rhythm Doctor could make a positive impact on your life. So thank you for helping us make a positive impact in the world! Just because the fundraiser's over doesn't mean the fight against cancer is over. There's no wrong time of year to check out [url=]National Cancer Society Malaysia[/url] to see how you can help. Or any of the local organizations doing good in your own area. Once again, thank you so much. [h2]Where To Find More News From Us[/h2] We've been looking to try something new and branch out where you can hear about updates from us. If you're already reading these update posts here on're in a pretty good place! But we know that a lot of people aren't here, reading these things. To help with that, we're now going to try making some Update Videos to post on Youtube and other platforms. These will help recap updates that people might not have heard about, or announce new things. You can watch the first one here: [previewyoutube=kpuS0vKyEE8;full][/previewyoutube] It's a lot of info that you might already know, but it might be worth watching to the end anyway... We're going to try to be more active on Youtube in general. In addition to our [url=]Twitter[/url] and [url=]Discord Server[/url], we're also going to try to be more active on [url=]Instagram[/url] and [url=]Cohost[/url] too. Doesn't hurt to have a few choices, right? (Because of Steam's handy feature for letting you post in multiple languages, these Steam posts are still the best place for news in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Korean.) Thanks so much for reading, thanks for playing, and we can't wait to tell you more about [b]Rhythm Doctor Act 5[/b]! The bottom of this post is where I usually list links to where you can find us, but...I guess I did that already.