Testing Testing, One, Two... (Version 0.81.00)


With the world's natural metal sources completely depleted, corporations fight over the rights to massive sinkholes known as "Delves". Team up with players online and build an arsenal before taking on the terrors that sleep deep under the clouds within.

[b]Additions[/b] 1. Daily and Weekly missions are now available. (+7 Daily missions, +2 weekly missions) The rewards for daily missions are stat upgrades for your characters. The rewards for weekly missions are unique weapons. 2. The first Account mission is available. 3. Leveling is now available. 4. Various stats are now kept track of at the end of each floor during the end-slate. Including damage dealt on floor, damage dealt during the run, and more. 5. "Static Rod" has been added as a weapon reward for a weekly mission. 6. Psyche shots are now available for players through the use of bRainFlow Cans and vendors. 7. Kindler's starting weapon has been changed from Wheel-Gun to Pistol. Wheel Gun will be reserved for a future character. 8. Added 2 new tiles to floor 1. 9. Added 1 new tile to floor 2. [b]Mentionable Changes[/b] 1. NPCs with weapons now have better tracking during combos. 2. Certain guns no longer knockback enemies (Including Pistol, WheelGun, Revolver, Static Rod, and Gausslier) 3. CTR Janitors and CTR Operators now deal increased damage. 4. Falling off the side now places you in the tile's designated spawn in order to prevent players from being replaced inside the ground. 5. Abilities can now be seen in multiplayer. 6. Booster usage can also be seen in multiplayer. 7. Gunshot sounds are now in 3D space. 8. Characters are no longer selectable after death. 9. Joining late no longer stacks the previous levels. 10. Cashing in treasure now works! (rarity of treasure tiles increased(Rarity increments are now a +5% chance to spawn (down from +10%))) 11. Custom names applied to characters in the menu no longer accidentally spread to other characters. 12. Knights deal increased damage across the board. (from 2-4 to 6-10) 13. Shock on NPCs has been changed. Rather than dealing 3 electric damage and ending, shock now deals 2 electric damage and reaches out to nearby characters dealing 2 more damage to anyone in range. 14. And many more things not worth mentioning! [b]QOL[/b] 1. Finally the stats in the player stats tab are aligned. 2. A few menu UI clean-ups. 3. Added a couple of new sound effects in the menus and game. [b]Known Issues[/b] 1. A rare chance for characters to have doubled health and pressure. 2. Camera breaks out of one of the 4 directions. (Happened once ever in the water.) 3. Certain NPCs with melee weapons can potentially attack through shields. 4. Ledge hop doesn't work on certain ledges touching water. [b]Working on next[/b] 1. Floor 3: many of the missions feature objects from floor 3. The third floor is a dark foggy area with many permanent CTR structures. Many of the facilities will provide ways to gain Psyche Shots from vendors. The path itself will be following a large tunnel known as a process rip. 2. Floor 4: The first floor that will allow a consistent way to farm ST stats.