Test Branch | A Blockbuster Update

Sairento VR

VR was made for this. Perform triple jumps, wall runs, power slides and slow time down while blasting away at a foe before landing to deliver a blade attack on another. Kit yourself with katanas, firearms, bows, throwing glaives and legendary relics. Keep upgrading as you play. PURE CYBER NINJA FUN.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27218225/953ed3a1deb4aae06cc74051eddfd3fa5fed038b.jpg[/img] [i]Note - This is on the test branch first. Actual update will be later.[/i] Hey Ninjas, We've been working hard to bring you a [i]blockbuster update![/i] In summary, we've updated the game engine and given the Sairento VR graphics a massive upgrade and along with it improved textures and lighting, better performance, smoother gameplay and bug fixes. The following levels - Shrine, Lab, Warehouse, Cemetery, Hall, Corporation, Train - should now better scratch that cyberpunk itch. We have given them a makeover and they should not only look prettier, but also run better. Have a look below at the video to see for yourself - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DpEvw9rYsE We are still working on the remaining levels and will release patches for them in a future update. In addition to the above, we are planning to expand the Sairento experience by releasing a new level at the end of September and another one at the end of October. This update is now available on the test branch and will be released officially once we are satisfied that everything is in order. For those of you who can't wait and help us test for stability, this is how you can access the preview! [b][u]To Access The Preview[/u][/b] : - Right click Sairento VR -> Properties -> Betas - Select [b]"rework-preview"[/b] from the Dropdown [b][u]## v1.4 (2018-09-13) - Build 140[/u][/b] - Updated game engine from 2017.1.0 to 2018.2.3. - Reworked the following 7 maps - Shrine, Lab, Warehouse, Cemetary, Hall, Corporation, Train. These maps should run much smoother and have higher graphical fidelity. - Long limbs mode now provides you longer arms. - Player avatar leg Ik in a jump is now less awkward. - Added full simplified Chinese localization - The game should be more stable overall and occurrences of crashing should be reduced. - Switched to single pass rendering - you should notice a sizeable improvement in CPU usage. - Added transitory loading scene between levels to help memory management. - Added post-processing effects. - Third person camera now pulls in if there is a wall between the player and camera. - Reduced boss's health in Chapter 4 and 8, and reduced max reinforcement count for campaign boss battles. - Fixed for bug where jumps would push you down through stairways or inclined planes. - Fixed bug with Slugger where it does not cooldown correctly while in Acceleration. - Fixed particle bug with the Plasma Blade. - Bugfixes for runtime errors when dying in certain campaign levels.