Terrordrome : ROTL Update 21-Fix 5

Terrordrome - Reign of the Legends

Terrordrome Reign Of The Legends is an indie fighting game set in a world where characters from horror literature, urban legends, cryptids, mythology exist within our modern world. This spiritual successor to Terrordrome Rise of the Boogeymen will be the perfect fighting game for all fans of horror.

[olist] [*] Fixed an issue on certain characters when moving backwards or forwards when pressing the dodge button you'll slide backwards or forward. [*] Fixed an issue on Sasquatch not allowing Air Strong to work from a wall jump. [*] After a match has ended online if rematch or return to lobby is selected a countdown will begin if no selection has been mode both users will return to lobby. [*] More netcode fixes in order to fix desync issues. [/olist]