Terrordrome Reign Of The Legends is an indie fighting game set in a world where characters from horror literature, urban legends, cryptids, mythology exist within our modern world. This spiritual successor to Terrordrome Rise of the Boogeymen will be the perfect fighting game for all fans of horror.
Varies fixes to most Visual FX within Death Sentences, fix for Death Sentences causing soft locks and more.
[b][i] Note : Publishing reviews talking about bugs without properly reporting them is bad matters, if you find a bug REPORT IT so we all benefit from the fix!! [/i][/b]
[b][h3] Achievement Changes and Additions [/h3][/b]
[*] Removed an exploit for the Combo Damage Achievement, if you have already unlocked this achievement than no issue. But if you want to reset this achievement in order to unlocked it the intended way you can follow these steps.
[u][i][*] Right Click the Start Button and Select Run
[*] Then type "steam://open/console" without quotes press enter. Within Steam you'll have a new Console tab.
[*] within the Steam Console paste this without the quotes "achievement_clear 1291170 COMBO_DAMAGE_50" then press enter. [/i][/u]
[*] A new Achievement has been added to the game based off of a special win pose from the Lady In White
[b][h3] Changes / Fixes [/h3][/b]
[*] The game no longer waits on the initial loading screen till your fully logged in, this login process in most cases finishes before reaching the Press Any Button Screen. This will improve loading when starting the game.
[*] Adjusted certain sounds on characters that may have been too loud, we're still investigating if more sounds need to be adjusted.
[*] Fixed an issue that wouldn't allow a character to drop to 0 health in certain Death Sentences.
[*] Fixed varies Visual FX that wasn't showing up properly on screen.
[*] Fixed an issue not allow Sasquatch to fully turn invisible when performing this move.
[*] Fixed an issue that would show Isadora for a few frames still she fully spawns from the Sky. (Dracula's Helper Call)
[*] When Guard All is set within Opponent options they will properly switch to crouch state when the player does a move while crouching.
[*] Fixed an issue on the Character move list that would sometimes cause the Kick button to be placed in the wrong order within certain Combo Strings.
[*] Reenabled Lady In White's Random Win Pose (Jump Scare).
[*] Fixed an issue that wouldn't switch to a crouch state when attempting to block a low attack when you have previously blocked a high/overhead attack.
[*] Fixed an issue causing Wendigo's EX Turn Pike to use two meter stocks while in the corner.
[*] Fixed an issue causing the health of both characters being reduced to 1 when Player 1 or Player 2 gauge fill within training mode was set to Normal mode.
[*] Fixed an issue that would reset the button press within the Jump or Crouch within Opponent options in Training mode.
[*] Adjusted the lighting and position for the selected character within the Online Lobby.
[b][h3] Localization Changes [/h3][/b]
[*] Fixed an issue that wouldn't properly save the Selected Language within the game, you'll need to reselect your native language within the settings.
[*] Changed instances within certain language where Round is used and replaced with Chapter to match the announcers.