Commander, customize and build your Mechanical Assault Skeleton Suit (M.A.S.S.) and lead the fight against an alien invasion bent on exterminating the human race. The fate of humanity is in your hands.
Welcome back to another news week. There isn't a WIP update this week but we don't want to leave you all hanging with no updates at all so we're here to provide some wrap-up from the Taipei Game Show event we had. We're also bringing in some questions asked during the event to our developer just in case you were also wondering the same thing. Well then, shall we?
Taipei Game Show is an event we frequent as visitors and now these past two years as exhibitors. It's a great event where we get to meet a lot of you players who've travelled to the event and where we can provide a more personal, face-to-face answer on some of the questions you have. We've landed ourselves a small booth in the indie house area yet it was one of the most packed area of the whole event itself with players of all sorts coming to check out every game displayed there.
The 4 day event was packed since day 1 to day 4 especially on Saturday where we can't even stand near our booth due to onlookers waiting to test out M.A.S.S. Builder. There was a time that everyone at our booth was busy with something else for about 10 minutes and we returned to people waiting in line to test the game.
We were also given a time with Indie Wavemakers who showcased M.A.S.S Builder LIVE on their channel! Check it out here with this link!
We've also got tens of heartfelt messages with the Indie House board where players who've tried out games in the Indie House area can write their feelings or feedbacks on their favorite. It's refreshing to know that we're doing the right thing creating this game for both ourselves and all of you.
Now, there are some interesting questions being asked in the event that we'd like to bring forward and share it online, both the questions and the answers. Please give them some reading.
1. So when do you expect the game to be completed? It's been a long time and I feel like there's still a lot to do, balance and content wise.
Honestly we're looking towards Q1 2025 as of this moment.
2. I've heard things like ranged weapon color changes are coming for a long time now. When is it going to be finished?
It's either after 1.0.0 is released or never at all. The difference between melee effects and ranged effects are the amount of meshes and ranged weapons utilizes a ton of them with a single bullet shot. It's leaning towards the latter at the moment since we're trying to finish the game with all other requested features and content.
3. What's the plan after you release 1.0.0?
Start working on the promised KS stuffs. Exclusive KS parts, Free DLC Armor sets. Keep adding more and more customization contents. We want to be a legend in customizing mechas. Many more things are in store for the game, and we want to support MB for a few more years.
4. No plans for MB2 yet?
Not yet. Let us finish with this one first then we'll think towards the future of our team.
5. Why don't you make the campaign co-op-able?
Because we've designed the missions to be played by a single player. To make story missions a co-op mission, it means we need to make adjustments to the whole game system and it's not something feasible for us to do.
6. Are you going to expand co-op more? I want more missions to play with friends.
Yes, we'll be adding more co-op missions to the game.
7. What are your current priorities regarding game content?
Top priority, more customization content. More of everything that's already in the game. Mid priority, more weapon types both melee and ranged. Lowest priority, PVP mode.
8. How is Taipei?
Love the city. Will be here for the event next year for sure. The people and the food is really lovely. It's a blast every time we've been here.
9. Game progression felt forced to make me play newer missions if I want to use my strongest unit and have a challenge. I want to play older missions with my strongest yet have a challenge. Any plans to touch on this concern?
We do, but it's still a secret experiment in our lab. It'll be an interesting addition to the mission system if it works. Hopefully this is done before 1.0.0.