Tactical Team-Play - Made Approachable for All

Desta: The Memories Between

Fall into a beautiful and puzzling dreamworld. Find your friends, unlock spectacular abilities and overcome the odds in a surreal tactical dodgeball adventure to uncover the mysteries of a broken world from the creators of Monument Valley.

Hey Dream Team, We’re back again and diving deeper into the awesome new features we’re bringing to [i][b]Desta: The Memories Between[/b][/i] for Dream Team Edition for Steam. As you may know, in the main game and story of [b]Desta: The Memories Between[/b], Desta will fall to sleep into a mysterious - and anxiety-filled - dream world, finding old friends and discovering a surreal turn-based ball game. To escape, Desta needs to confront these familiar faces from their past and work through their problems and find their friends once more. However, as this is a roguelike, sometimes - just sometimes - the conversation may get too much and one last ball hit might be a shock to the system and wake Desta up, taking you back to the beginning of the dream again. When making this game, we knew we had a universal story that appealed to everyone, and we knew we loved both roguelike and tactics games. So our aim from the very earliest game concepts has been to make Desta’s world as approachable to as many people as we possibly can, so instead of trying to make one size fit all, we wanted to make a game that looks and appeals to every type of roguelike gamer. See more in our latest behind the scenes video on the World's of Desta here: [previewyoutube=ZeTyezFoRZo;full]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeTyezFoRZo [/previewyoutube] So our desire to make a fully universal and approachable roguelike tactics game for all expands to how we have developed our difficulty modes. Check out our ways to play below: [olist] [*] Want to be immersed in a mystery about life and relationships, and enjoy the story with minimal roguelite aspects? Our new [b]Shortcuts[/b] via our Crystal Desta Rest Floors are for you. When Crystal Desta offers a shortcut, shortcut takes you to your furtherest chapter you have progressed to. You start with all of the teammates you would have encountered on the way there. [*] Prefer pitting your wits against opponents in turn-based tactical battles? That’s where the new [b]Challenge Mode[/b] comes in, a collection of brand new standalone scenarios designed to test the most experienced of players in unique ways. Complete these challenges to unlock bonus team mates for Desta's main dream, as well as aid you as you dive deeper into Nightmare Mode. [*] Are you a roguelike hardcore and have the skill and wits to take on our toughest competition? Then Dream Deeper in [b]Nightmare Mode[/b], now the dream has tougher opponents to face and modified rules. Any HP lost in a previous memory carries over to the next encounter, so be careful and see if you can reach the end of the Nightmare. [/olist] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42506701/29d6be024c40471077aca6665dcc770035abc238.gif[/img] [i]The madness of Challenge Mode (pic above)![/i] In short, we want the [b]Dream Team Edition[/b] to be approachable if Desta represents your first time into the world of roguelike and tactics-based storytelling and even more rewarding if you’re a big fan and are always thinking five-steps ahead. In addition to the new game modes, more characters, biomes and more, stay tuned for more regular updates from all of us here at the ustwo games team! But if you can’t wait for that, why not hop over to the ustwo games [url=https://go.ustwo.games/discord]Discord[/url], where you’ll be able to interact directly with the Desta player community and the development team. You can also sign up to the ustwo games mailing list, where we deliver fresh snippets of dreamy delights to your inbox on a regular basis – sign up right [url=https://go.ustwo.games/SignUp]here[/url]! And finally, you can keep tabs on the latest ustwo games news via: [url=Twitter]https://twitter.com/ustwogames[/url] [url=Instagram]https://www.instagram.com/ustwogames/[/url] [url=Facebook]https://www.facebook.com/ustwogames/[/url] Across all these channels you’ll find friendly folks that play and have worked on all our other games in our library, including Monument Valley, Alba: A Wildlife Adventure and Desta – so you’ll be in great company, whatever you’re into! Until we update again! Jamie, ustwo games