Play Desta and Help Young People In Need

Desta: The Memories Between

Fall into a beautiful and puzzling dreamworld. Find your friends, unlock spectacular abilities and overcome the odds in a surreal tactical dodgeball adventure to uncover the mysteries of a broken world from the creators of Monument Valley.

Hey everyone! Today we are really excited to share something that is very important to all of us at ustwo games, and everyone working on making Desta the best game it can be - the importance of supporting the youth of today; our generation of tomorrow. We are really proud to announce that by buying Desta: The Memories Between (Dream Team Edition) on Steam, you will be directly contributing directly to a great cause, and our friends UK Youth. [h2]Find out more in our mini-doc produced in partnership with UK Youth here:[/h2] [previewyoutube=VRhkZjHy74s;full][/previewyoutube] We’re donating 3% of profits from all sales of Desta: The Memories Between: Dream Team Edition to youth initiatives via a special partnership with the amazing people at UK Youth. Our aim is simple: to raise the profile of youth workers and youth services, and highlight the importance and hard work these incredible people and places offer. In our story, Desta's dad was a youth worker, and his presence ripples throughout the very-real aspects of our story. Our goal is to raise £100,000 in total, comprising up to £81,000 in grants for up to three different youth centres, including one in North England, mirroring the types of area's Desta is from. In addition, £27,000 will be made available as unrestricted funding to UK Youth in support of its ongoing cost of living crisis activity. If you have a moment, we’ve produced a short documentary with the folks at UK Youth that explains some of the biggest struggles facing these services right now, and why this work is critically important to so many people’s lives. You can watch it here:- Finally, in addition to 3% of the game’s profits, we want to make a further donation of up to £20,000 via matched funds raised by you – the players of Desta and the wider ustwo games supporter community [b][url=]Find out more on our JustGiving page here if you would like to support this great cause alongside us![/url] [/b] As a team, we are really passionate about using our platform as game makers to create a positive impact in the world – we’d love you to be able to join us on that journey. Your friends, ustwo games