Desta's Beta Is Live! Sign Up Today!

Desta: The Memories Between

Fall into a beautiful and puzzling dreamworld. Find your friends, unlock spectacular abilities and overcome the odds in a surreal tactical dodgeball adventure to uncover the mysteries of a broken world from the creators of Monument Valley.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42506701/c5eed60e6e79339b7f62f20652d40b7c16e45cac.png[/img] Hey Dream Team! We have some VERY exciting news. Ahead of launch, right here on Steam, we are opening up a number of Early Access beta spots so you can play [i][b]Desta: The Memories Between: Dream Team Edition[/b][/i] before ANYONE else - for a limited time only! Sound good? Falling into the dreamworld is super simple. [h3]How can I get access to the beta?[/h3] Register your interest to join the dreamy beta for Desta: The Memories Between on Steam on our [][b]Sign-Up Page here[/b][/url]! [h3]When will I receive a Steam Key?[/h3] After sign-up, you will be part of the ustwo games community and will receive an exclusive, limited-time Steam Key within the next 1-3 days. [h3]Chat about the beta on our community discord[/h3] Learn about the best strategies, tips and experiences from developers and other players exclusively on our ustwo games Discord server. [b][url=]Join the fun today here[/url][/b]! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42506701/80dba543e4589e2ee69bc457db4c79ca1d6f6724.png[/img] [h3]Want tips to make your Ultimate Dream Team?[/h3] Follow us on social media and learn from Desta's dev team as they showcase their favourite 'Dream Team' player combos. Here is a look Lead Designer's Joel Beardshaw's ultimate dream team: [previewyoutube=NjFBNb-voyw;full][/previewyoutube] Joel's Dream Team is Miss K. and Nila, an iconic team. Joel thinks everyone should play with them because: [i]Miss K’s Encouraging Throw ability gives +1 AP, which combos well with many characters. When paired with Nila and her Cause and Effect ability, which can cause damage to all characters who are holding balls, the extra AP allows Nila to take up the perfect position before being passed to. Then she has the AP to activate her ability and throw, dealing a huge hit that ricochets across the opponents’ team. [/i] And finally, you can stay up-to-date on the latest from ustwo games with: [list] [*] [url=]Twitter[/url] [*] [url=]Instagram[/url] [*] [url=]Facebook[/url] [/list] Across all these channels you’ll find friendly folks that play and have worked on all our other games in our library, including Monument Valley, Alba: A Wildlife Adventure and Desta! From your friends, ustwo games