Synchronize the test branch to the main branch

Territory: Farming and Fighting

From a small village of a dozen people to a small kingdom of thousands of people. Arrange for residents to work, gathering, fishing and hunting, farming and mining, processing and manufacturing. Trade, accumulate supplies, increase your strength, and fight evil forces and monsters.

Value adjustment: Split the technology "Stirrup" into "Horse Archery" and "Wolf Taming" Value adjustment: When the enemy musketeer is refreshed, it is fully loaded by default BUG repair: When animals migrate, obstacles are ignored Optimization: When soldiers want to sleep, they refuse patrol tasks BUG repair: After the bounty hunter is attacked and becomes a neutral soldier, he can be controlled by the player Optimization: Optimize and reduce the time spent on saving archives Optimization: The prison cell can filter the list of prisoners by good or bad characteristics Optimization: Optimize the performance of the pathfinding algorithm to reduce the jamming phenomenon when a large number of buildings are built or the terrain changes Optimization: Unfinished braziers and fireplaces also show the range of action Optimization: The list of residents divides the nobles into ordinary nobles and royal family members BUG repair: The problem that the Iron Titan is stuck and cannot attack the enemy Optimization: You can click to select the monsters belonging to us, and double-click to select all monsters of the same type Optimization: When you control a soldier to move with a box selection, move accurately to the position where the mouse is clicked Optimization: Our monsters, after being selected, are prohibited from wandering around on their own Optimization: The inn adds item sales statistics Optimization: The trade merchant ship goes out to sea, the same route, the minimum interval is 3 months Optimization: The problem of the continuous decrease in the number of deer in the wild Optimization: When there is no food in the feeder, monsters and animals are not attracted BUG repair After loading the file, the exit of the fishing dock under construction is on the bridge, and the entrance and exit will be blocked Optimization: The building list can be filtered by product type Optimization: Deer are prohibited from pooping in non-walkable areas Optimization: Deer stop moving when a building is built on the deer's moving path