Stellar Commanders

Conquer the stars in this straightforward multiplayer real-time strategy game from the creators of First Strike and become a Stellar Commander!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36173475/edd17398aa608dced198ab575921bba0bed7ff09.png[/img] After launching our vision of three factions with the Jin Guo Update, we’ve finally had some time to read everyones feedback on the game. We’ve been looking at how the game was faring, what all of your feature requests were, and centered this update around the most urgent, early-game features. Oh, and also making a kickass planet. Because who doesnt love new maps! So, what is this Update all about? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36173475/9dd89702720d3fe6f63fe45a8ef974a06602175d.jpg[/img] [h2]NEW TUTORIAL[/h2] Lots of you said, that the current Tutorial is confusing and hardly understandable. Maybe we tried to cram too much fluff into it, while not giving enough freedom to the player to figure out how it works for themselves. Our new Tutorial should address these problems. It will teach you step by step how the most important actions of the game are done, and then gives you the possibility to defeat the enemy with what you learned. We hope we can explain the core game concepts better with this tutorial and are looking forward hearing what you think. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36173475/1ceb57f43bb2091ba2f059a8b1a6f328d3984e44.jpg[/img] [h2]NEW PLANET: SVAROG[/h2] Savrog is the third planet of the game. Compared to Archimedea and Karrakesh, it is quite a faster map. The two capitals are across a ravine of molten lava. That means the capitals are attackable even with short range missiles from the beginning of the game. The distance between enemy territories is 2 at the beginning, so it is also very easy to get within conquer ranges during the preparations phase. We had a lot of fun playtesting Svarog and doing its visuals. Its symmetry and graphical fidelity is definitely something we want to keep up for the future. We hope you like Svarog. Let us know what you think of it. We already have multiple new planet concepts in the works and will unveil a new one soon. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36173475/52ccd0e3e0632a8d42f32ead9395132ff4f48d0e.jpg[/img] [h2]NEW MODE: TRAINING VS AI[/h2] Lots of you asked for an explicit mode to train your strategies against the AI, withough having to wait through regular matchmaking. In the new AI training mode, you can choose between the following settings [list] [*][b]AI difficulty:[/b] Easy, Medium or Hard [*][b]AI faction: [/b]UCW, Barovia or Jin Guo [*][b]AI Strategy:[/b] Agressive, Conquering or Defensive [*][b]Planet to Play on: [/b]Archimedea, Karrakesh or Svarog [/list] This new mode should make it easy for you to test your decks against specific enemy types to be prepared for online matchmaking. Let us know what you think. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36173475/2716b8189572e18f4a8270b9734bb75d1732706a.jpg[/img] [h2]AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS:[/h2] We also added a lot of minor small tweaks to the game, like [list] [*][b]Commander Illustrations [/b]- The three iconic commanders from each faction are now in the loading screens. Expect more of them to come! [*][b]General AI improvements [/b]- The AI behaves way smarter with specialised units, especially orbital strikes and supporters. [*][b]New decks for the AI [/b]- The AI got 6 new decks to choose from, so expect more variety on how it will play against you [*][b]Memory Optimisation[/b] - We cut down the memory usage of the game up to 30% on some machines. [*]And we killed dozends of bugs 🐞 [/list] Thank you so much for sticking with us. There is more and new things to come in early summer. Until then, we hope you have a great time playing against each others, Commanders!