

Face your friends in a circular arena containing up to 6 players. Smash the ball and use your powers to surprise your opponents. Change the rules of the game at will to create games to your measure ! Are you ready to become the master of the arena ?

Hello everyone, Today we release the last version of Suprapong in Beta. If you want to access the beta, the password is : suprapongbeta This update includes : - a lot of bug fixes - some graphical improvements in trail effects - some optimisations but more important, 2 new options that you could previously see but not activate are now live : - Survival (in the launching menu) : when a player reach 0 HP, instead of bringing you to the score screen you'll know see him be kicked out and the game will continue. If the last real player loose or if there is only 1 players left it will of course end the game. - Accelerating ball (in the game options) : each time the ball bounces on something, its speed will increase by 4%. In 10 bounces, its base speed and smash speed will increase by 40% ! These are optional and are deactivated by default. If you want them, don't forget to activate them ! Don't forget to use the new "ball effect" system ! RB / LB on gamepad, A / E by default on the keyboard when you touch a ball. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33816433/5ef8f5094ccbdc51e8be935b47e5f5c5a8b7850c.png[/img] An improvement of the spells selection : you can now see the list of the spells by validating the selected spell, making it faster and easier to find the spell you are looking for. You can now see a list of the controls in the menu. Also, key rebinding is available (only for the keyboard as we are quite happy with gamepad controls). This update brings us closer to the final release of this beta version. Don't forget to report bugs on our discord or sharing your thought / ideas. -> Here is a little list of some small changes in this version you might be interested in : - most of the spells creating something (wormhole, bumper...) now last longer - wormholes are now twice bigger, touching the ball more often - in the wormhole game mode, the wormholes now rotate in a different way. Hard to explain but you'll see that ingame. Tell us if you like it that way ! - the bumper game mode have seen his number of bumpers increased from 7 to 9 (it might not seem to be a lot but keep in mind it increases the chances to touch something on the border by 50%, you'll notice the difference) - the ball trails have been reduced to prevent them from being too long with speed increase - whatever their speed the balls trails will now look more like a line than separated spots - fixed a bug with teleporting IA - the controls adapt to the player's position Supracheers !