Face your friends in a circular arena containing up to 6 players. Smash the ball and use your powers to surprise your opponents. Change the rules of the game at will to create games to your measure ! Are you ready to become the master of the arena ?
What's new :
- 3 new spells
- Game options slots
- Cumulative game modes
- More animations in the launching menu
- Players order in the launching menu now match their ingame position
- A lot of new animations in the launching menu
- Bug fixes
Details :
- Icezone will freeze a small area for a limited time. Every ball passing through will be slowed down.
- Glue can be deactivated anytime if it hasn't been used. The next ball(s) touching the racquet (smash won't count) will stick to it and will be released on smash or after 3 seconds.
- Chain will send a harpoon in the direction of the center of the room. If it touches a ball, it changes its direction to the player's direction (hard to use but small cooldown, try to redirect the ball on a bumper and look at the stupid face your mate(s) will make !).
Game options slot
You can now select different slot in the game options (or in the launching menu). Every slot will save every game options you set and you can rename them by right clicking on it. Click the "+" slot to add a new slot and the X in the top hand right corner to delete one.
For example, let's say you create a game option slot called "noob" with a ball at 70% speed, players at 135% size, etc. If you select this slot under the game option button in the launching menu, these options will apply and you don't have to change every option at the beginning of each game ! Customize your favorite options and save them in a slot to enjoy them quickly !
New animations in the launching menu
- changing the number of players now move the players to their next position instead of teleporting them
- selecting different options and moving around will move a pink button, showing you what you are selecting to help you understand how the menu works.
- changing racquet's customizations will now play a small animation
- at player's apparition, everything will make a small jump. Best feature ever. You're welcome !
Cumulative game modes
Before, Suprapong, Bomb, Chaos, Bumper, Protect were 5 separated game modes. Now you can mix them as followed :
- Game mode : changes the arena (bumper / chaos / classic)
- Ball mode : changes the ball (normal / bomb)
- Score mode : aggressive or defensive.
Aggressive gives the point to the last guy (that isn't the guy's side where the goal was made) who touched the ball. If you score a goal or miss the ball and it enters your side and nobody touched it before you, you get a "shame point" (it appears in your score bar) that will decrease your score at the end of the game. If you get a victory with 10 points with 2 shame point, you finally have scored only 8 points. If one of your friends got 9, he beats you. Yeah, that's the game so don't be a noob, don't miss the ball at the beginning.
Defensive : Everyone begin with the maximum score (between 1 and 50 depending of the game options you set) and loose 1 if the ball enters your side (or explodes, who knows ?). The game end when a player reach 0. No shame points here but shame is on you if you loose.
- More indications of what you are doing in the launching menu, for example it tells you "press A to change colors" while colors aren't selected and "press A to validate colors" when colors are selected.
- You can now change the player 1 customization without needing to click on "Customization" first (appearance and colors). It still need to be selected with the pad or the keyboard.
- Launching menu options are now changed with LB / RB buttons instead of the arrows on the pad because of the new "cumulative game modes" system. I guess you'll understand why when you'll change the game modes.
- Optimization when you add / remove players in the launching menu
Bug fixes
- many many many ! (I don't have the detail for these ones)
- Anti-Aliasing now work as intended, no more pixelated moonlight