Super Cable Boy is a retro inspired platformer, where you are playing a living handheld gaming system with a power cord. Collect game cartridges to become more powerful and take on your quest to defeat "the Glitch", an entity that 1▧01☠01௹1‱☣∰0␢⌀▧ ..
Hey everybody, there are some exciting news!
We decided to put more of Super Cable Boys future in your hands and what better way to do this than to give you access to the level editor to make your own levels?
For now, the editor update is only available on the "publictest" branch of the game, which everybody can opt in by
->going to their Steam library
->right clicking on the Super Cable Boy game and then on
->selecting "public test - public test branch"
You can find the editor and play custom levels by visiting the "Arcade" a new area inside the game, floating above the "Sleep Mode" area.
Our long term goal is to test the waters of user generated content and see what the community will do with it, but for now we are desperately looking for feedback, so please please please make sure to tell us your opinion on how to improve the editor and the general experience with it (and all the bugs it definitely still has)!
If you want to take part in the community, share levels, give us feedback or talk to other people about Super Cable Boy, you can do so on our community [url=]Discord server[/url].
That's it for now, have fun building!