Super Cable Boy is a retro inspired platformer, where you are playing a living handheld gaming system with a power cord. Collect game cartridges to become more powerful and take on your quest to defeat "the Glitch", an entity that 1▧01☠01௹1‱☣∰0␢⌀▧ ..
So yeah, I did it! I did the thing everybody was waiting for! I put controller rumble support into the game!
[i]Everyone:[/i] But we actually wanted new content!
[i]Developer:[/i] Haha controller goes brrrrr
Ok, jokes aside. I do think it's quite cool to have this feature and for those who get easily annoyed, there is also an option to turn it off. Also that is not all I have been working on. There is a bunch of minor improvements, like some fixes for input problems, support for OpenGL and Vulcan, Cloud saves integration and a few bug fixes. And not to forget the speedrun timer now properly acts as one.
Oh, and because so many people were crawling on their knees, begging for it: [spoiler]The final fight got a tiny bit easier. Nothing too major, just a few tentacles less, a few seconds of attack off the clock, some more time to hurt the poor guy and the Ink-Cartridge can finally stop those lasers![/spoiler]