Super Cable Boy is a retro inspired platformer, where you are playing a living handheld gaming system with a power cord. Collect game cartridges to become more powerful and take on your quest to defeat "the Glitch", an entity that 1▧01☠01௹1‱☣∰0␢⌀▧ ..
As part of our daily routine we rolled the dice and looked at our chart to decide what new things to add to this game now.
We rolled our wheel of fortune exactly four time and this is what it landed on:
[*]A tiny new secret area.
[*]A couple of new Onigiris.
[*]New localizations, this time it's traditional and simplified Chinese, Korean and Spanish.
[*]Some bug fixes that have been inside the game since launch, but nobody really noticed or thought they where just "part of the Glitch".
This update might confuse some users due to it's random nature, but trust us, it's all going to make sense it the end. Or is it?
Or maybe we are running out of quirky patch note ideas and started to just write down the random stream of consciousness we call our mind. Who knows? Stop asking so many questions and stop confuzzling everyone! Do you see Cable Boy up there? He's confuzzled, too.